
Cape Blanco

Treble for Maurice

Trio see the stallion’s winners count climb to 14.


19匹种公马的第一代两岁子嗣即将亮相新西兰纯血马公司的两岁待跑马拍卖会(NZB Ready to Run Sale of Two-Year-Olds ),供来自世界各地的买家竞拍。

US G1 Winner Winchester Arrives For Cups

Multiple US Grade 1 winner Winchester has arrived at the Malua Racing Stables of John Sadler and Troy Corstens where he is being readied for a Cups campaign this spring.

Cape Blanco Shuttles To New Zealand

Galileo's Group One star Cape Blanco will stand in New Zealand in 2012.

Havre de Grace US Horse of the Year

The Eclipse Awards ceremony was held in Los Angeles on Monday night and it was not really a big surprise to see Havre de Grace get the top gong.