IOC tries to get Syrian athletes to London

The IOC is working with Syrian athletes to help them qualify for the Olympics amid the ongoing violence shaking the country.

The IOC is working with a handful of Syrian athletes to help them qualify for the Olympics, hopeful they will make it to the London Games in spite of the deadly spiral of violence shaking the country.

Pere Miro, the IOC's director of relations with national Olympic committees, said on Tuesday that the international body is providing funding to the athletes and believes four or five could qualify from track and field and swimming.

"We want to try to make sure that the Syrian athletes will be in London," he said. "We have a few under our control. We will continue supporting them. We will do our best."

Miro said, according to his latest information, the athletes are training inside Syria, not abroad. In addition to individual athletes, Syria's football team still has an outside chance of qualifying for the Olympics.

The UN estimates that more than 8000 people have been killed in the past 12 months since the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad's regime began.

Because of the conflict, Miro said, the IOC is sending its funding directly to the athletes rather than through the Syrian Olympic Committee.

The Syrian body, which is based in Damascus and headed by General Mowaffak Joumaa, remains fully recognised by the IOC. Syria also has an IOC member, Samih Moudallal.

"For us, the NOC is a normal NOC," Miro said. "It's not suspended. There are no sanctions against the NOC. We continue having normal relations."

As things stand, if the Syrian athletes qualify, they will be under the control of the national Olympic committee in London. Officials from the national committee would also be invited to the games.

"That is the situation today," Miro said.

Miro said Syria's Olympic committee is "autonomous" and "independent", although some officials may also hold high state-level positions. While the IOC has suspended some national bodies for government interference, that is not the case with Syria.

"For us, the NOC is a really good NOC that is performing a good job within Syria," Miro said.

On other issues, Miro said the Libyan national Olympic committee has been successfully rebuilt since the revolution that toppled Muammar Gaddafi last year.

The Olympic programs in Tunisia and Egypt are also progressing well, he said, while less information is known about the situation in Yemen.

The Kuwaiti national Olympic committee has been suspended - and remains so - since 2010 because of political interference by the government. Miro said the IOC will strive to get Kuwaiti athletes to compete in London, possibly under the Olympic flag as they did at the 2010 Youth Games in Singapore.

The status of Kosovo and South Sudan, meanwhile, remain under review.

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