Palio del'Assunta 2024

Siena's second Palio is normally run on 16h August (Ascension Day).

However whoever said lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place was not thinking of Siena and the Palio, as the July Palio had to be put off twice because of rain and the same thing happened on Friday when just as the historic processin was getting underway the heavens opened and the "tufa" (the special track put down for the horses to race on) was considered not good enough for racing and the whole thing moved to Saturday.

The win went to the Lupa (she-wolf) Contrada with the horse Benitos and jockey "Velluto" (Dina Pes).  It was the first Palio win for both horse and rider.  Selva finished second and Chiocciola third.

today's racing

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