
Winterbottom Stakes

Free Perth return flights and travel allowance for The Pinnacles

Racing WA as part of their Equine All Star Incentive Scheme are offering eastern state stables free return flights to Perth for runners contesting feature races during The Pinnacles at Ascot Racecourse along with travel and accommodation allowances for a nominated stable representative up to $10,000.

Racing WA launch The Pinnacles Equine All Star Incentive Scheme for 2024

Racing WA are offering eastern state trainers sizeable travel and accommodation allowances if they compete in The Pinnacles race series held at Perth's Ascot Racecourse during November and December.

Quokka win has jockey on Parr for more success

The trainer-jockey combination that captured The Quokka will team up in a trio of races at Rosehill.

Star hoop aims for Quokka return

William Pike has Saturday, April 20, clearly marked in his diary.

Butterflies for Baker before Caballus salutes

Bjorn Baker is hoping he has another carnival colt on his hands in Rosehill winner Caballus.