




继连续第四年在克里斯普越野障碍赛(Crisp Steeplechase)中夺冠后,11岁老将「猛击男孩」又准备开启第四次全国越野障碍赛(Grand National Steeplechase)夺冠之旅。

The National A Job Wells Done

Wells has spoiled the party for a brave Bashboy, taking out the Grand National Steeple at his first try over fences.

Pateman The King Of The National

Sea King has handed Steve Pateman a fourth straight Grand National Hurdle at Sandown.

Win Number Twenty For Gotta Take Care

Grand campaigner Gotta Take Care has added a third Brendan Drechsler Hurdle to his ever-growing C.V at Bendigo.