
Montana Flyer

Gai Waterhouse - Breed Shaper In Her Own Right

Certain select top level races are often referred to as 'breed shapers'. The same must be said of champion trainer Gai Waterhouse due to the impact her professional skills have had on Australian breeding at all levels.

Prince To Take Crown In Cup

Tough galloper Usain Prince will take running down in today's John Carlton Cup (race 7) at Grafton.

Prince To Claim Crown In Cup

Tough galloper Usain Prince will take running down in today's John Carlton Cup (race 7) at Grafton.

Red Tracer dominates Millie Fox Stakes

Red Tracer scored a dominant win in the Millie Fox Stakes but trainer Chris Waller said the mare was likely to bypass the Coolmore Classic in three weeks.

Red Tracer dominates Millie Fox Stakes

Red Tracer scored a dominant win in the Millie Fox Stakes but trainer Chris Waller said the mare was likely to bypass the Coolmore Classic in three weeks.