
Russia 'foils terrorist attacks in Sochi'

Russia says it has foiled terrorist attacks aimed at the 2014 Winter Games to be held in Sochi.

Russia's secret service says it has foiled terror attack plans in the Black Sea resort of Sochi ahead of the 2014 Winter Games.

Russia's National Anti-Terrorist Committee said on Thursday the secret service agency FSB discovered ten caches of ammunition that included portable surface-to-air missiles, grenade launchers, flame throwers, grenades, rifles and explosives.

The ammunition was found on May 4 and May 5 in Georgia's breakaway republic of Abkhazia, a region that has declared independence and has strong links with Russia.

The FSB said it suspects the attacks were being masterminded by Doku Umarov, a Chechen rebel leader, whom it claims has close ties to Georgia's secret service. Umarov had claimed responsibility for the 2011 deadly bombing in a Moscow airport that killed 35 people.

Officials in Georgia were not immediately available to comment. Georgia and Russia, both former Soviet republics, had a brief but intense war in 2008 and are still very distrustful of each other.

Sochi's selection as the host of the 2014 Winter Games had initially sparked fears of possible terrorist activity at Olympic sites.

Russia's volatile North Caucasus region is plagued with near-daily violence linked to an Islamist insurgency that spread from the province of Chechnya to neighbouring areas in the late 1990s. Although Sochi has been spared from terrorist attacks so far, it is still located in the same region as the North Caucasus republics.

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