Selections and Best Bets for Scone and Doomben on May 14.
b>SCONE May 14
RACE 4: (5) Sangiovese
RACE 6: (6) FederalRACE 8: (8) Kaepernick (Each-Way)
RACE 1: 3-7-4-2RACE 2: 14-3-12-8
RACE 3: 14-4-17-8RACE 4: 5-2-7-10
RACE 6: 6-7-2-3
RACE 7: 6-4-3-11RACE 8: 8-2-7-6
DOOMBEN May 14RACE 1: (3) Divine Centuri
RACE 6: (3) Jumbo PrinceRACE 7: (11) Japonisme
RACE 8: (6) Mackintosh